Rad Elec Privacy Policy

Our user privacy policy at Rad Elec is pretty simple: our website doesn't use any cookies to track you, and our software keeps your data stored locally on your own devices (which means you are responsible for your own data).

In short, Rad Elec does not harvest or sell your personal information. We make our money from manufacturing detection equipment for ionizing radiation, not from commodifying your private data.

Website and Online Store

Rad Elec does not track, collect, or harvest any of your online activity. Our website does not employ any tracking cookies.

You may elect to create an account from within our Online Store, which will store your personal information (such as business name, address, etc.) on our servers for as long as your account exists. Rad Elec does not sell or transfer this information to any other entity, and you may elect to delete your personal account at any time (after which it will not be stored on Rad Elec's servers).

Radon Report Manager and Recon Download Tool

Both the Radon Report Manager and Recon Download Tool software packages do not send any data or information to Rad Elec. This means you are responsible for your own data, and Rad Elec cannot assist or otherwise recover your data if your computer suffers a catastrophic failure.

Recon Mobile

Our Recon Mobile app allows you to voluntarily send bug reports / crash logs to Rad Elec. This is the only data Rad Elec ever receives in regards to your usage of Recon Mobile, and this action (sending a bug report) must be explicitly selected by the user. This bug report is a log file that contains all recent app-specific activity within Recon Mobile that the user has performed.

Any bug reports received by Rad Elec are not archived for long-term storage, and are deleted after their respective issue is resolved. Although we delete our bug reports at regular intervals after they are resolved, you may ensure that your crash log be deleted immediately by sending an email to info@radelec.com with this request.

Quick Calculator

The Quick Calculator does not save or otherwise store any information from your radon tests.